…but for the next 10 days, I’m going to play one on Social Media.

In honor of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Susan Collins introducing the Personal Care Products Safety Act, I’m going to focus on clean and green beauty for the next 10 days on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Whoopah!

Did you know that according to the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG), most women put at least 168 different chemicals on their bodies A DAY, and men, 85? And virtually NONE of these chemicals are regulated or tested for safety. In fact, Feinstein and Collins say that what regulatory laws DO exist have barely changed since the 1930s.* Dayum. Thanks to these two senators, we can hope for some regulation of these products and their ingredients one day soon.

Photo Credit:  Julie Mikos Photography

Photo Credit:  Julie Mikos Photography

But until then, we’re kind of on our own. Fortunately, others have trod this path ahead of us, and are serving as expert guides through the maze of what’s safe and what’s not.  Websites like EWG.com and their fantastic Skin Deep Cosmetics Database help a lot. I don’t buy anything without checking there first. Really and truly. They even have an app for your phone to make it super easy.

We also have amazing bloggers like The Green Product Junkie and websites like Spirit Beauty Lounge and Credo Beauty leading the way. These folks do a ton of legwork and are great resources for reviews and samples.

And for the next few days, you'll have me! I’ll share what I’ve learned on my own clean and green journey. I’m not a brand ambassador for anyone, and I don’t get any products for free (I wish!).  So you know everything I'll recommend is based on my own trial and error, and offered up as one lady-friend’s opinion.

If you want to follow along, you can simply click on the icons on the bottom of every page of my website and follow me on the platform of your choice. Or, you can search for @The_Goodness_ on Instagram, The Goodness on Facebook, and @PattiCocciolo on Twitter. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.

Thanks so much for joining me on this  – I’m excited to share what knowledge I have and to learn more with all of you!


*Source: ABC News

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