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diet and fitness

"Wait, YOU Post About Makeup?"


"Wait, YOU Post About Makeup?"

The other day, a friend of mine who is not so much with the Instagram, was surprised to learn that I post and write about makeup on my account there. You see, dear readers, she sees me every day and witnesses, in-person, the very scant amount of visible cosmetics I wear on the daily.


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Two Weeks Vegan: Um, Why?


Two Weeks Vegan: Um, Why?

So, we recently finished yet another vegan detox. Or as we like to call it, Two Weeks Vegan. As usual, we had a bumpy start, a happy middle, and an energetic, great-feeling end.

But this time something was different.


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Life is but a Dream


Life is but a Dream

A dream is a powerful thing. It can inspire, it can energize, it can illuminate. But unless it mobilizes, well, a dream is just a dream.

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to witness a dear friend’s dream taking flight. 



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I Yam What I Yam.


I Yam What I Yam.

At one time or another, I've been a student, an advertising person, a musician, a writer, an actor, a wife, a mother, a marathon runner, a yoga teacher...sometimes all at once. It's sounds a little schizophrenic, and maybe it is. But it's all I know. When I want to do something, I do it.  It's a mishmash, for sure, but it's my mishmash. And my guess is, most of you have a mishmash of your own, too. 


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