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Marin County

Clean and Green Beauty: A Round-Up


Clean and Green Beauty: A Round-Up

For 10 days on social media last month, I shared some of my most favorite clean and green beauty products.  This post is a recap of the selects I featured, but with a bonus: we’re gonna take a look into the background of the amazing companies that make these wonderful products. All of these businesses were started by real people, with real stories, following real inspiration. These folks led with the heart, not with the wallet: not a one is a spin-off of some giant toxic company just trying to get in on a so-called “niche” market.


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If These Walls Could Talk


If These Walls Could Talk

We are currently nine months into our nine-month remodel, and I’m thrilled to say, we’ve got about two months to go. This statement makes perfect sense to anyone who’s gone through this process. And for those of you who haven’t been through it, bookmark this sentence for later. You’re gonna need it.


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Two Weeks Vegan: Um, Why?


Two Weeks Vegan: Um, Why?

So, we recently finished yet another vegan detox. Or as we like to call it, Two Weeks Vegan. As usual, we had a bumpy start, a happy middle, and an energetic, great-feeling end.

But this time something was different.


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I Yam What I Yam.


I Yam What I Yam.

At one time or another, I've been a student, an advertising person, a musician, a writer, an actor, a wife, a mother, a marathon runner, a yoga teacher...sometimes all at once. It's sounds a little schizophrenic, and maybe it is. But it's all I know. When I want to do something, I do it.  It's a mishmash, for sure, but it's my mishmash. And my guess is, most of you have a mishmash of your own, too. 


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SUP, y'all.

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SUP, y'all.

I love to Stand Up Paddle. I fantasize about having my own board, hoisting it up on my car, and taking off to paddle anywhere and everywhere. I imagine a wardrobe of rash guards, and maybe a special pair of Cudas or Tevas, just for my new life on my board. And a paddle. Oh, a paddle. My very own, extra-long paddle, made especially for a woman of Amazonian height.

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