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Patti C Yoga

Puppies are Cute….and Completely Nuts


Puppies are Cute….and Completely Nuts

Our family adopted a puppy last week, and he is adorable. He’s big and fat and clumsy and floppy, and we named him Obi Wan, Obi for short. He has giant paws, hazel-y green eyes, and a coat as soft as anything I have ever felt.

And he is totally bonkers.


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Carbon Freezing: My Current Parenting Plan

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Carbon Freezing: My Current Parenting Plan

Y’all. My boys are nine and eleven now. NINE and ELEVEN. I could easily write 10,000 words on how I can’t believe this is even possible, but here’s the thing. While I loved them to bits when they were babies, with their little squidgy legs and the snuggliness of carrying them anywhere and everywhere, I am really, REALLY loving where we are right this very minute.

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Merry Christmas, Y'all

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Merry Christmas, Y'all

This is always the craziest time of the year. Whatever holiday you celebrate (or even you don’t have a holiday to celebrate), there is a frenzied energy in the air. People are rushing about, work is nuts, kids are bonkers, and if you accidentally turn on the news, Peace on Earth is not exactly happening right now.

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"Wait, YOU Post About Makeup?"


"Wait, YOU Post About Makeup?"

The other day, a friend of mine who is not so much with the Instagram, was surprised to learn that I post and write about makeup on my account there. You see, dear readers, she sees me every day and witnesses, in-person, the very scant amount of visible cosmetics I wear on the daily.


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